Thursday, June 20, 2019

NTPS Science Practices Grading Rubric

"Both, And, Or" - Science Grading Rubric 

NTPS Science Practices Grading Rubric  
The science grading rubric defines levels of student expectations for  each of the 8 SEPs.  A video definition for each SEP is provided as an additional resource. Paying close attention to words like bothand,  or will be especially important when assigning levels for the report card.  For example, "students create models focused on predicting or explaining the natural world" means students either predict or explain, not both.  "Students read and evaluate text to obtain scientific information" means to be proficient they must do both.  Little words carry big meaning.

STEMscopes Curriculum Assessment Points

NTPS SEP Grading Matrix

Grading SEPs Matrix

The attached document identifies the lessons in your STEMscopes curriculum that best align with the SEPs being graded in Science. The lessons identified in the green fields are priority grading points (reported on the report card).  The yellow fields are additional reporting points if needed and the white fields are optional.  If a field is blank then the SEP is not addressed during that specific lesson.

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

NGSS 3-Dimensional Planning Cards

SEP Planning Cards

Looking for a quick teacher reference cards for grading science?  These 6 x 4 printable cards are a helpful references for the 8 SEPs (Science and Engineering Practices) found on the report card.  With a description of what student performance looks like and a great visual for quick reference, these cards are perfect for building understanding of the SEPs.   

SEP Cards - link 

Friday, June 7, 2019

Science Report Card Insert for Families

Report Card Insert 

This resource should be added to your semester report cards.  The one page, two sided document, will provide families with a definition as well as a visual representation for each of the 8 SEPs being assessed Kindergarten through fifth grade. A written description of what proficient students KNOW and DO, along with specific grade level examples that align with our current curriculum are provided.  

This document was created in order to help define the terms used on the report card.  Much like the math Report Card Semester insert, this document is intended to provide families with information that builds understanding of the NGSS Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) being grading in NTPS.

Report Card Insert  - Link

Report Card Insert